
from generations

Talking about truffles in our family is talking about us.

For generations we have loved our land and this precious gift that it offers us with generosity and mystery.
We know how to wait and respect the rhythm of nature and with the help of our wonderful dogs we know how to look for the diamond of the woods.

in these pages we present the truffles and truffle products VIRGINI TARTUFI that will enrich the most prestigious tables with taste and creativity.

Fresh, frozen, whole potted paté, carpaccio, truffle sauces, sauces, cheeses, cured meats, oil, honey, liqueurs: we have focused on the quality and variety of our offer because we like to serve our customers in the best possible way.

The Virgini family is ready to welcome you to the store in Spello, in Umbria, the home of truffles.

Some Ideas for taste your Truffle



Gli aiuti di stato e gli aiuti de Minimis ricevuti dalla nostra impresa sono contenuti nel Registro Nazionale degli aiuti di Stato di cui all’arti. 52 della L. 234/2012.


La partecipazione alle fiere Cibus (Parma 3-6 maggio 2022) e Thaifex Anuga (Bangkok 24-28/05/2022) è stata realizzata con il sostegno dei fondi POR-FERS 2014-2020. 2Avviso pubblico per progetti finalizzati alla partecipazione a fiere internazionali 2021-2022 CUP G28I22000780006.
